Neon Lights

Every time there is talk of NEON lights, most people curl up their nose in disgust and talk about how tacky, pretentious and useless they are. Some even call them the side effects of watching too many car racing movies. But , lets face it, when installed properly on the right car, there is nothing cooler than a neon glow. Different types of neon lights available in the market are:-String Neon, Tube Neon’s and Underbody neon kits. String neon are used to give the outline or border of the car stereos, gearboxes etc, a neon glow, while tubes are used to give smaller areas a diffused glow and underbody kits, the most commonly used, give the bottom of the car a neon glow.
The well known brand is Optx.
Price range: Rs 200 to 20,000.


X2 said...

I am really mesmerized by the lights. Each time I see others' lights I am always amazed. I'm getting my Underbody Glow Kits from my bike soon.