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· Friendship is like a needle of clock. We are not able to meet even if we meet it’s only for few seconds, but we are always stay connected.

· Small anger , silly fights, simple sms’s, serious jokes, sensitive feelings, senseless speak, million sorry mixture of all the above is nothing but our friendship.

· Friendship has one law “never make your friend feel alone till you are there” so disturb your friends as much as you can….! I am just following the above law.

· “Taj Mahal” har aashiq ko mohabbat ki misal nazar aati hai . tum kis kis ke liye taj mahal banavaoge …….. tuze to har ladki mumtaz nazar aati hai.

· Good friend is one who tells you to study well. But a best friend is the one who is standing outside your exam hall & says “abe kitna likhega? Jaldi kar 3 baje ka show hai.


मी मराठी मी मराठी"म्हटलं तरका पडली इतरांच्याकपाळावर आठी?.....दिसलीच पाहीजे सगळया दुकानांवरमराठी भाषेतली पाटी.....बसायलाच हवी होती अशीया दादा लोकांवर मराठीपणाची काठी...दूर केलीच पाहीजे हीत्या लोकांची दमदाटी....आता फुटली आहे मराठीपणाच्यासहनशीलतेची पाटी...ही राज नीती खरंच नाही बरं कामराठी मतांसाठी ..हा तर खरा आवाज आहेमराठी अस्तित्वासाठी...बोलतंय कुणीतरी आतामराठी माणसासाठी...राज तर पुकारतोय लढामराठीच्या रक्षणासाठी...पाहा सगळ्या क्षेत्रात काय झाली आहेमराठी माणसाची गोची...रोजच्या रोज माणसे येवून येवूनमुंबई भार सहन करेल तरी किती?मुंबईच काय, ते तर शिरलेत आतामुळा मुठा नदीच्याही काठी...द्या सगळे मिळून लढा मराठी मातेच्यागुदमरलेल्या जीवासाठी ...जय महाराष्ट्र!!!!!!!!!!!

The Sperm Sample

A 90-year old man went to the doctor's and asked for a sperm count.

"It can't be very high," the doctor said. "There's really no need for it."

But the old man still wanted it all the same.

"All right then," the doctor said. She went to her cabinet, got out a small container, and gave it to the man. "Take this jar home, do a little jobby in the jar, and bring it back here."

A week later, the doctor was coming out of her office when she found the old man and his wife sitting in the waiting room. They handed her the jar.

"But the jar is empty," she said after looking at it.

"I told you that you had to do a little jobby in the jar in order for me to get the sperm count."

"Doc," the man began. "I tried it with my right hand, I tried it with my left hand. My wife tried it with her right hand, and tried it with her left hand. She even tried it with her teeth out. But that damn lid just wouldn't come off!!!"

Real tragedy

A man in a bar sees a friend at a table, drinking by himself. Approaching the friend he comments, "You look terrible. What's the problem?"

"My mother died in June," he said, "and left me $10,000."

"Gee, that's tough," he replied.

"Then in July," the friend continued, "My father died, leaving me $50,000."

"Wow. Two parents gone in two months. No wonder you're depressed."

"And last month my aunt died, and left me $15,000."

"Three close family members lost in three months? How sad."

"Then this month," continued, the friend, "nothing!"

Ping Pong balls

There were 3 guys that wanted to marry the same girl so they all had a 24hr contest to see who could bring back the most ping pong balls. the first guy came back in the first hour with 1 truck load. the second came back with 2 truck loads. The 3rd guy did not come back until the 23rd hour, and when he did he was bloody and only had one sac of ping pong balls.
So they asked him why are you all bloody and why did it take you so long to get 1 sac of ping pong balls?
He replied PING PONG BALLS?! But I thought you said KING KONG'S BALLS?!